We funded the building of 2 self-sustainable schools in Ethiopia, to share our success in the coffee shop market with the coffee growing communities that make this a reality.

The high school in Shifo and the 6th form in Kilenso Mekonisa, Ethiopia, will have a direct and lasting impact for generations to come. Not only will thousands of young people access secondary education for the first time but there are a host of other life-changing benefits: increased gender equality, HIV awareness and prevention, reduced child mortality rates,15% extra earnings for every year of secondary education, and 67% more likely to secure employment.

We’re also incredibly proud of the sustainable aid model employed in this process. A one-off lump sum, with significant contributions made by the local communities themselves and the Ethiopian government’s contractual commitment to fund staff and maintenance going forward, builds schools that empower communities rather than encourage dependence on western aid. 

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As populations continue to grow, global ecosystems and natural resources become ever more strained. We understand these issues and the need for sustainable business practice, and where ever possible, work to reduce our impact.

We aim to minimise our waste, and also reduce our carbon footprint through smarter working and investing in renewable energy.

We also work with suppliers to support sustainable business practice and procurement through the use of responsible sourcing standards.

A significant ingredient within our supply chain is palm oil, and although a vital part of many nations’ economies, unrestrained and unregulated it can bring deforestation, habitat destruction and environmental destruction. Therefore, we have made a commitment to make a small contribution to this global challenge by only using RSPO-certified Palm, unless our customer requires an alternative solution. Currently we can offer SG & MB palm oil options. Where possible and in agreement with our customer, we also use certified sustainable cocoa and chocolate containing ingredients. Soy is also available via RTRS sustainability programme on request. 


Check our progress at www.rspo.org

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